Monday, January 28, 2013


The photo above is from the March for Life on January 25, 2013.  I am among the throng of gentle people who took part.  Jeanette, thank you for taking this photo for the blog.  The quote above is from a nasty rant by a pro choice person delighting in our discomfort.  Temperatures were below freezing and yes, snow is falling.  Elderly people on canes, babies in strollers, children, blind people and those in wheel chairs marched in the bitter winter weather.  College students, nuns, religious sisters, brothers, friars, seminarians, monks, rabbis, priests, bishops.  Jews, Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans, Catholics.  I know atheists and have witnessed professed homosexuals who have marched with us.  Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Democrats.  Black, white, Asian, Latinos, native American, Pacific islanders.  Homemakers, career women, women with children, barren women, single women, post abortive women.  Fathers, single men, post abortive fathers.  Doctors, lawyers, scientists, secretaries, office workers, factory workers, farmers, theologians, artists, writers, actors, teachers, politicians, at least one beauty contestant, even a few Catholic journalists.  I could go on and on.  The pro life movement has many faces and is gaining more members every day.  One person at a time.  As one lady said, who had taken part in charity marathons, the people at the March for Life are so nice and polite.  Kindness and concern for our human family prevails over our discomfort.

Why do it you ask?  Isn't this a done deal?  The Law of the Land?  Why do people keep coming from Ohio, Michigan, Oregon, Philadelphia?  Traveling hours on buses, no sleep, eating fumes, not enough bathroom facilities?  Why suffer all that?  Women can choose, what business is this of yours?

But you see, we are all one body as St. Paul said.  And when one member suffers so do we all.  We are willing to put up with some suffering to make an appearance.  To make it known to the rich, powerful and mercenary, infanticide is unacceptable.

Now some in the pro choice movement mischaracterize a pro lifer as a John Brown abortion mill terrorist.  John Brown was an abolitionist who went on emotion instead of logic.  He wanted to arm the slaves because an end to the evil butchery and murder of slavery seemed impossible in his life time.  But murder to end murder never works.  Murder begets more murder.  Those who murdered abortionists prolonged the murders of many millions more because the crime was used to justify abortion laws.  Abortionists have a right to live just as an innocent baby has.  Everyone needs a chance.  The pro life movement always condemned violence just as Martin Luther King condemned violence.  Sadly, sound bites prevail.  The leftist news media paints all conservatives as pro gun and pro war because some conservatives have been.  But that is nonsense.  Like saying all Democrats are pro drone because some are.  In 2008 President Obama in a speech concerning joblessness in PA said "...they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti immigrant sentiment or anti trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."  This amateur psychiatric analysis, placing all people of faith into a box with gun enthusiasts, and racists was not only untruthful but irresponsible.  Giving ammunition to the liberal sound bite, 'pro lifers are hypocrytes'.  If they cared about life they would fight war, be anti gun and would protest the death penalty.   Then why aren't they questioning our president's policy concerning drones?  Drones kill innocent people in foreign lands endangering diplomacy and foreign relations world wide.  And yet the President has no problem with drones.  I do.  I also have a problem with the death penalty and so does the Pope.  And war can be unjust.  In fact I believe our troops. our faithful young men and now women have been and continue to be used as mercenaries for foreign wars.  I wish guns were never invented.  Our Constitution may seem odd but citizens were allowed to possess guns to protect themselves not only from invaders but from our own government should it ignore congress and our own body of law.  In 1776 a farmer could protect his family from armed men.  At one time it was illegal for a white person to hide an escaped slave.  It was against the law but IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  After the civil war an African American could defend himself and his family with a gun from the Klan.  It was his Constitutional right.  What a wonderful right.  This issue has a long history.  Deep waters here.  Times have changed and we can no longer protect ourselves from tanks, drones and futuristic weapons.  I suppose that is why drug dealers and other criminals keep vicious animals in their homes.  I don't believe anyone should have a bazooka lying around the house or a loaded gun for the children to play with.  I think it should be very difficult to simply purchase and walk out with a gun.  Criminals and mental patients seem to have no problem getting them.  I do think a shop owner in a bad neighborhood should be able to protect himself.  A gun was created to protect, to defend.  But so often what one man can create for good another man can use for evil.

You would think when around one million people gather to protest in Washington DC there would be a photographer or two or a news camera.  However, this is 2013.  When the NY Ts posts a photo it is invariably one of  pro abortion protesters.  Yes, there are a dozen or so outside the Supreme Court.  So few they blend in with the pro lifers nicely. This will give you some idea of just how many pro life people come.  We pray the pro aborts one day will join with us and say no to infanticide.

I post this photo below which may be copyrighted.  This photo cannot reveal the panorama of the opposite side, the Smithsonian.  The trouble is our big news agencies won't cover this story.  They may make a sentence out of it or publish an editorial criticizing it.  We are non persons, we pro life people.  Our president knows we exist, he simply ignores us and hopes we will quietly go away.  Politicians leave town on January 24th or pull their office blinds.  There are no helicopter photos for us.  Such things are reserved for $170 million dollar presidential inaugurations.

This is a good photo which I found on Jill Stanek's site. 


One year, before the current administration was in office, I was riding on the Metro and I sat down beside an African American man.  He was curious about the pro life stickers and asked.  I explained to him we were in the March for Life.  He was dressed in a parka and casual clothes.  Truly, he was a stranger and I thought he might even be offended.  But he listened to me thoughtfully.  And when I finished he said you will have to convince the women, he said, "Women want it."  I replied, "I guess we [women] need to be educated."  And we do.  Every woman needs to know how her body works.  Her reproductive cycles and how a baby develops, from the complete DNA mapping at conception to being able to hear music, mother's voice and to feel pain.  You won't get those answers from Planned Parenthood or feminist/secularists who seem intent on putting women into the hands of mercenary, sexist men who see us as a commodity.

Women are told PP clinics are "safer" than back street abortions used to be.  They aren't told women still die.  Clinics are not regulated.  Restaurants get inspections, abortion clinics get ignored.
Philadelphia abortuary horror.  What is most interesting is so many agencies and medical people did NOTHING when they knew what was going on.  The fact it was a service to poor minorities is all the more reason for inspections and reporting crimes.

Read, learn, understand.  The journey of Dr. Monica Miller, physician, pro life activist

Editorials by Wesley Smith Obamacare will make smoker's pay

Now the government would compel chaplains to acquiesce in “same-sex” simulations of marriage.   If this means what I think it means, it means no more Catholic Chaplains in the U.S. Military. 

Dominicans march for life

Dr. Monica Miller looks at both sides of the Abortion issue

An abortionist's dream saves lives in Europe. 
Dr. Bernard Nathanson's life story, a great book.

the film Silent Scream with Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the film shown in Yugoslavia

Partial Birth Abortion - a doctor demonstrates the procedure with a doll

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