Tuesday, November 20, 2012




Sunday, Nov 18, 2012 ... In the wake of the 31st anniversary of China's One-Child Policy, everyone is asked to pray for an end to this horrific inhumane law.  Just take a few minutes and pray in your tradition, please.

After the Vice President’s cowardly remarks “not second guessing” why China has done this to Chinese women.  Wherein he fails to mention the murderous painful outrages and moral train wreck of this policy, which includes the trafficking of women and girls.  The Obama administration has been the most pro-abortion administration in our nation’s history.  It should not be lost on anyone that if it were not for the votes of American women, they would not be in office today.  Can you see the irony?

All my life I believed in equality for women.  I never believed we were inferior in any way.  However, pro-abortion American feminists are starting to persuade me women are on the whole the weaker sex.  The majority believes everything the men in charge say especially if it means their own destruction.

I recommend you see this web site.

Al Kresta interviews Chai Ling http://avemariaradio.net/test_guest.php

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Great news.  Catholics can be on the same page.  How many of us have read the Catechism cover to cover?  Probably few.  No wonder we often don't know what our own faith teaches.  How can we pass on what we never received?  How can we share Christ's message as He asked us to, if we don't know what it is?  Many Catholics seem satisfied to have their Church explained away by secularists in government and the media who haven't a clue what we believe.  Secularists make the Catholic Church out to be an irrelevant belief of the past at best and a intolerant nuisance at worst.


Now you can explain the teachings on contraception, homosexuality, abortion, just war, and a host of controversial subjects.  Just in time for Thanksgiving!  Just kidding.  But seriously, God puts us into situations were we must speak up for Him.  Now you can do this with confidence and compassion.  Remember, just because someone doesn't agree now does not mean they won't think about what you have said.  

Evangelize in love my friends!


Citizeness Journalist

Friday, November 9, 2012


"For crying out loud in a bucket of water," as my grandfather used to say.  Socialism's true face is revealed.   Mayor Bloomberg wants to monitor the food intake of homeless people.  What this really means is the STATE wants to be in CHARGE.  Kind hearted citizens are not to be trusted giving food to the hungry anymore.  Synagogues and churches stand back.  Put a "For Sale" sign on Manna.  Close up the soup kitchen.  Let the experts take over.  This is all part of the plan, close Catholic hospitals and social services so they cannot serve the poor, the orphans, those who have escaped human trafficking, etc.  Everything must be done according to the Administration's plans for our NEW WORLD ORDER by Nationalizing good works of charity.  I wonder how those who said the Democrats were the true pro lifers feel about taking food from the mouths of those who live on the street?
Take a look.  And this isn't from some pro life news agency, this is from CBS!  Even the newsman who presents the story looks incredulous.  http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/03/19/bloomberg-strikes-again-nyc-bans-food-donations-to-the-homeless/

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


All I can do for you my faithful readers is give you some consolation with humor.  This site is a collection of radio broadcasts,  Bob Claster's Funny Stuff.  You will find a host of your favorite or not so favorite entertainers.  For example, the couple who did the voices for Rocky and Bullwinkle.  A shockingly sad interview with Quentin Crisp who spoke like a man in purgatory.  God rest his soul.  An introduction to "Brother Theodore" Theodore Gottlieb who did the voice of Golem in The Hobbit cartoon and played a cameo role (the photographer) in The Stranger with Orson Welles.  He created "Stand Up Tragedy" and his rare scary recording of Quadrupedism is played.  Mr. Gottlieb bribed his way out of Dachau.  Lord love him.  

 If you only can listen to one of the shows please listen to my favorite The Wibberly Stories read by Leonard Wibberly himself shortly before his death.   A kind Catholic man, humble, most of his works were published in paperbacks and are now gone.  Just try finding some.  Best known for The Mouse That Roared.  What a talent.  You will laugh and cry.  He is charming and his stories will give you consolation and warmth.  He tells the story of the German motor mechanic, "we will never be forgiven for the war,...".  If you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or if you minister to the elderly you will be touched by the story about Mr. Wibberly's mother in the nursing home.  He reads for an hour and the bits about the fiddle and the champagne filled loving cup at the horse race is a hoot.  To know him is to love him.  Enjoy the recordings.


  One Race, The Human Race By Caroline Niesley James Forten “Free Man of Color”, Revolutionary War Veteran & POW, Prominent Phil...